FAMILY TRAVELS off the beaten path.
(Deserts, Forests, Vales and Mountains bashing adventures)

THESE PAGES ARE UPDATED EVERY MONTH. This month we have posted our travel report of adventures in and around the valleys of the Emirates of Fujeirah in the United Arab Emirates. The valleys are known for their ruggedness and we enjoyed 'indulging' in 4 wheeling over the shallow rivers, dry river beds and boulders.

Traveling is for challenging the unknown and is a good way to increase our awareness and to educate our children about the environment.

When it comes to family travels, Spain; China; USA, Canada; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; Oman and Pakistan offer unsurpassable opportunities for family outdoor adventures. Get to know more, as a family takes you to a photographic description of its eco-friendly offroading, outdoor recreation, trekking and nature study adventures.

Also, catch glimpses of natural, historic and cultural heritage of these countries. Finally, visit other informative and related websites.

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